Saturday, February 20, 2010

Antigua Pics

This is the view from mom's balcony at the house. Yes, that is a volcano...I have no idea which one but its not Pacaya...which is the active volcano that the 4 of us will climb this week....even mom. I bet you guys cant wait for those pictures.

We stopped at the market to buy a bunch of fruits. Again, this picture makes it seem a lot calmer and more sterile than it really is. The market is crazy and bustling. We kept asking this poor lady, "Que es?"...what is this? what is that? We still had to come home and look them up online.

We took our landlord's suggestion and found Hugo the ceviche street vendor. We werent sure about street ceviche inland and found out that it wasnt even Hugo but the ceviche was delicious...Here we are in the central park trying to eat the ceviche without making a complete mess...we were not too successful at the mess part

This is the cathedral off the central park. We saw people coming in and out and decided to see what was going on. It turns out that this is the time leading up to Semana Santa (Easter). On the floor of the church is this "rug" created from bits of flower and who knows what color bits. It was surrounded by fruit offerings...pineapples and melons.
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