Sunday, January 24, 2010

Santa Elena Market

Yesterday, mostly we took it easy but we did head over to Santa Elena, just on the other side of the causeway, to see the market. Mostly I was just wanting an excuse to ride in a tuktuk since they are everywhere here but Flores is so tiny, it seems lazy not to walk. These pictures do not capture the vibrancy of the market at all. It was really big and there were stands selling everything...fruit, vegetables, hardware, clothes (I bought some underwear), meat (including whole pigs heads), cooked food, toys, electronics...anything you could think of. We were the only tourists there which was a nice change. I finally got to eat a choco-banana....thats a frozen banana on a stick dipped in chocolate and it was everything that I dreamed it would be. The sounds and smells were almost overwhelming...there were religious folks shouting in microphones and sellers shouting out what they have. Food was being cooked everywhere. I should have taken some better pictures because I didnt really pull out the camera until we were in a less busy part of the market. It was a fun way to spend an hour.

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Steve said...

Awesome!!!! Looks like you two are having the time of your lives.